M4TC: Derived is the debut album from Denkitribe, the 30th most subscribed Japanese musician on YouTube. A master of electronic music making devices, Denkitribe has inspired people all over the world to take matters into their own hands and make their own music. M4TC: Derived is the culmination of his effort and DIY spirit.
Denkitribe is also releasing M4TC: Derived under a Creative Commons license. Each track will be made available on a site dedicated to this release (see below). There you can download the full stems, full source, ableton files and more. Not only is he letting you see exactly how he makes each track, a rarity in today's music world, but through a CC license he is letting YOU remix the tracks. The album title, M4TC means Music For The Commons. You can use his music in any way you like and even sell it on HearJapan or in your local record store. As long as you keep his name on the release with a remixed by tag you are free to do whatever you like. How cool is that?!?
In this spirit of shared celebration, HearJapan is also running an M4TC: Derived remix contest! All you have to do to win 20,000yen in credit is to get the remix parts, record your song and upload it to YouTube. One winner will be chosen from the one with the most views and another will be chosen by Denkitribe himself!
Contest entries must be received before December 31st, 2010. Full contest details can be found at the page link below. Your song can be in any style, so have fun and be creative! Good luck!
Denkitribe Remix Contest page
M4TC: Derived
Remix parts
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