YouTube via pepemogt. Check out the Future Retro Revolution in the custom case behind them at :38 on. Feliz Año 2009!!! Nortec Collective Presenta: Bostich+Fussible 26 de Diciembre 2009 en Teatro Voilá Acustique México D.F.
YouTube via se7ense7 "A remix i did for a band called 'Essence of Freedom'. You can find them on myspace.
I used the tail of a power chord for the bass, strings are Juno60, lunar pad is JX3P (a preset actually). Drums are TR707 and samples. Sync lead is JX3P. The voices are a short piece of vocals I sampled from the original track."
"Instruments : 90% analogue... lots of Moog Little Phatty everywhere, mostly Prophet 08 on track 1, Roland Juno-1 on track 2, and some Korg Poly-800 as well."
YouTube via axc909 "Erfffff degouté tout le monde ne va pas pouvoir voir L'4iR 2 F3t3s censuré dans certains pays ??? Ce son é monté sur une vid des Teknomad sur tekos"
The Sick Are Not Healing "Long awaited followup to 2003's On This Cold Floor. Includes guest appearances by Rob Caggiano (Anthrax), Lars Hansen (Oneiroid Psychosis), as well as I, Parasite's live bassist Bret Calder.
Packaging features illustrations by long time I, Parasite friend Paul Komoda and was manually printed by Christopher in small batches on a 1968 Vandercook Universal I letterpress. Each package was folded and assembled by hand.
The Sick Are Not Healing is I, Parasite's third full length album, released December 15, 2009 on Dark Vision Media."
Synths include a DSI Evolver, Frac Modular, Roland Juno-6, and Elektron SidStation.
"The top of the listening box has two new tracks added from my forth coming album. they were created with Ableton Live Virus TI Blofeld Machinedrum UW Maschine.
"the songs i used with my synt's are: myself and i (my how am i) -all thy synt's part use by the evolver keyboard 2.kiss the floor - the ending part use by the evolver keyboard 3.tribute record -all thy synt's part use by the evolver keyboard & yamaha cs-15 4.keys and doors - all thy synt's part use by the evolver keyboard tanks moshe."
"This thirty-plus minute piece is comprised of Serge analog modular synthesizer drones coaxed into sumptuous other-worldliness by spectral layers of ensemble generators, cured in spring reverb baths, and aged inappropriately by delays of the bucket-brigade and magnetic tape categories; augmented by dusty, ethereal guitar motifs. Recorded over two late nights in December 2008."
on SoundClick "There are 12 pieces and all were done sing software called Berna, which is a recreation of the way this type of music was done in the 50's. There are oscillators that have to be tuned and manipulated in real time. RThere are 4 virtual tape recorders than can be synced. All of the pieces were done in one pass with no overdubs with the exception of #3 and #12 where I overdubbed one pass od Mtron wine glasses and a faux theremin solo respectively. The pieces were recorded sequentially with the exception of #5 which, frankly, sucked. I re-did it twice before arriving at the final version.
In the coming days I hope to have time to put some notes up on the page for each piece about how it was done and what sorts of recordings were used on the 'tape recorders"."
"A live performance as part of the festival at Loop Bar in Melbourne. The performance is based around the amazing astronomy photographs of Marek Dobiecki, artist, teacher and astronomer, Dobiecki has built himself an observatory in his backyard in the Dandenong ranges where he tracks the night sky with his computer controlled f4.5 x 30cm Newtonian Telescope capturing galaxies, nebulae and star fields. The photographs are wonderfully fragile, textured, grayscale images of up to 2 hours exposure time revealing things we can barely see with the naked eye.
These photos were built into a series of audio reactive Quartz Composer animations and the sounds are inspired from space recordings and low frequency atmospheric sounds of the earth built on a modular synthesizer."
YouTube via Korgator "this is a Song for the Daughter from Grzegorz(Grzegorzprey). She is very ill and when I have found out this today, it has touched me very much."
Available on iTunes: "Hey Baby, Merry Christmas! (It's Not About The Presents) Canon 7D. Litepanel MicroPro. Edited in FCP7, no other effects. Turntable: Numark CDX. Props all homemade.
"Dedicated to Japanese sound artist Ryoji Ikeda, "Théorème de point fixe"
by Franck Smith is published on French discographic collection Odiolorgnette
"That's the point!" Influenced by algebric topology and scientific concepts on abstract spaces, this work for pure electronic is a metaphoric piece around the ''fixed point theorems'' of Solomon Lefschetz, Bonislaw Knaster and Alfred Tarski... An amazing mental piece in 37 parts dedicated to Japanese sound artist and experimental composer Ryoji Ikeda.
Franck Smith, Théorème de point fixe. Composed & performed by Franck Smith (electronic manoeuvrings) Recorded in 2009, time 40:25, Ref: odl.9173-658 Released on Odiolorgnette"
"silent audiographies <<静默的散文>> is a series of 12 minimalist sound and music expositions recorded over a period of one and a half years from 2008 to 2009; accompanied by 12 proses and passages written by sonicbrat, included in the download as a PDF booklet...
In the booklet, you will be able to find the instrumentation of each track... which include doepfer A100 modular synthersizer, max/msp, reaktor 5, plogue bidule, piano, vintage magnus organ, guitar, melodica, xylophone, electronic noises, found sounds, field recordings, acousmatics and various reed instruments."
"Legendary 70's / 80's German synth masters Gerhard Schreck, Max Richter and Hans Ulrich-Buchloch create sequenced / atmospheric / melodic EM which many describe as "more Tangerine Dream than Tangerine Dream themselves". Also see artist Max van Richter."
YouTube via skoulaman "A sunday afternoon synthesizer session played by Skoulaman (formely known as Skoulariki). Used gear : Korg Lambda, Roland Juno 106, Kawai K1r, Yamaha CX5M, DX27, Waldorf micro Q, Yamaha E1005, E1010, Alesis nanoverb, Fostex 3180 (spring reverb), Lexicon mpx100, Ibanez dm1000."
"Recorded in the Dub Room @ Vesica Piscis Cathedral, Flagstaff, Arizona, by Carrie Ann & Kendall, Spring and Summer 2008. Many of these pieces were originally composed and performed for Closet Drama, a play by John Caswell, Jr. for Progressive Theatre Workshop.
Post-production and mastering by anomos. Cover art lampwork by Lluvia Brito. Photography by anomos.
YouTube via TobiasMakesNoise "A remix of the great song by Eels, possibly one of my favorite tracks of all time. Couldn't find it anywhere on youtube so I decided to upload it myself."
"Korg Oasys does Piano and Wave Sequencing, Weird Pads are NI's Absynth and, except for some clickety bits from Digidesign's "Boom", all the Drum Sounds and Rhythm Beds were done in NI's Absynth as well. Vox is me thru a BLUE Blueberry."
"I've picked up a last-minute booking to do an in store performance at Weirdo Records in Cambridge on November 30th. Due to the (tiny) size of the venue, I won't be able to fall back on my traditional tropes of extremely low frequencies at extremely high volumes, so this will be a good chance to hear something a bit different from me. It's a small room, so there's no excuse not to fill it! I hope to see many of you there.
If you're not familiar with Weirdo Records and you're the kind of person who'd show up to one of my shows, you are missing out. It's a great shop, and well worth a visit if you are ever in Central Square.
YouTube via glumc "AC Records first release: The new label is a division of normally known for its analogue hardware clones) with a focus on promoting dark, electronic music by unknown artists. All tracks use analoge equipment of
A2 - `` tip-tilt``is a spacy acid groover of Glum-C. The record comes in olive-coloured marbled vinyl and is limited to 150 records. "
dB_24 - electrotechnic-dub-mix
"B1+B2 are hard dancefloor tracks by dB24 (steve romani) from Lyon. Steve is a studio rat with a lot of music output."
Hteah - viva oliv
"A1 - ``viva olive`` is a dark psychoacoustic acid track by hteah via portland, oregon. his time at present is spent building his soundsystem and helping manifest semi autonomous free festivals. please see; via"
LDT: Moog Little Phatty Stage II, Moog CP-251 Control Processor, Novation Bass Station, Emu Vintage Keys, Korg Kaoss Pad 3, Digitech Digidelay, Electro-Harmonix Stereo Memory Man with Hazari, Sherman Filterbank.
Recorded on a Zoom MRS8. Mixed and rendered with Sony Sound Forge and Sony Acid Pro.
Free download and stream "This album collects music from very different periods between years 2005 and 2009, mostly based on dark ambient and minimalist soundscapes and drones, sometimes based on improvisation. Some of the music included in this work was already published as videos on youtube, like Syrtis Major and Atmosfear.
LDT: Moog Little Phatty Stage II, Moog CP-251 Control Processor, Korg MicroKorg, Korg Kaoss Pad 3, Digitech Digidelay, Electro-Harmonix Stereo Memory Man with Hazari.
Recorded on a Zoom MRS8. Mixed and rendered with Sony Sound Forge and Sony Acid Pro.
"this coloring pad is... a place to share my music (all available for free download here!), schematics, configurations, concepts, photos, upcoming live performances, influences, associated collaborations, and insignificant words with others."
YouTube via se7ense7 "My latest song. I made a short clip for it, using Movie Maker (buggy as hell). At the end I got lazy and copy pasted the whole part...
It's all about the music anyway!
I used the Roland Juno 60, Roland JX3P and Yamaha AN200 for this song. Drums are sampled. Voice is from an old Bruno Groëning Casette (does anyone still use these?) I found at the local second hand store.
YouTube via hexfix93 "Music Video for the song Dead Adults off A World We Pretend from the band The Twilight Garden. You can buy this CD here: . "
The Twilight Garden: A World We Pretend : LP Sampler.
"A montage of music from the LP A World We Pretend from the band The Twilight Garden. The Main member of this band, is also a member of the Colorado based Electronic goth band Velvet Acid Christ. Twilight Garden sounds nothing like VAC thought. This is not even a side project of VAC. This is Todd Loomis's Solo project. Think alternative new wave, 80s, rock melancholy. David Bowie meets NIN meets The Legendary Pink Dots."
YouTube via wwwPepeMusicDE. via Michael. "Mit diesem Song habe ich das Finale des BOSS Looper Contest 2009 erreicht. Am 22.10.2009 musste ich in der Prinzenbar in Hamburg gegen 11 weitere Kandidaten antreten. Es hat leider nicht für einen Sieg gereicht, die Beatboxer standen höher im Kurs. Wenn ich das Video vom Finale habe, werde ich es ebenfalls hochladen."
Googlish: "With this song I've reached the final of the BOSS Looper Contest 2009. On 22.10.2009, I had the Prinzenbar in Hamburg to compete against 11 other candidates. It has unfortunately not enough for a win, the beatboxer was higher in the course. If I have the video of the finals, I'll upload it too."
YouTube via hexfix93 "This is so fucking bad ass. This remix is the bomb. This is a club hit. This video kicks ass. Please Link to this blog entry and get everyone to watch it. This lp and single are the best things I have done in ages. This is the proof. The new lp is half acoustic goth and half ebm trance ELECTRO. I love the Mindless Faith Remix, Mindless Faith Kicks ass, I will interview them soon. No Go Pre Order the new LP The Art Of Breaking Apart, and buy the single when it comes out. Peace out, Hexfix93 of Velvet Acid Christ.
YouTube via Korgator "Today I have provided these brilliant Fraktal pictures and therefore there came the thought to play music in addition a nice one."
YouTube via simonsound1 "The new single from The Simonsound. The A side 'Tour de Mars' is a cover of Kraftwerk's 'Tour de France' which soundtracks an imaginary journey into deep space, beyond the Moon and onwards to the red planet. Heavy drums, Moog synthesiser and spaced out FX supply a cosmic backdrop for the interplanetary message of goodwill delivered using the Vocoder.
YouTube via TheLittleDevil "Electric mandolin/violin player and vocalist Nash The Slash (whose name comes from the 1927 Laurel & Hardy movie 'Do Detectives Think?') is well known for his instrumental soundtrack work and re-invention of classic rock cover tunes while his image, that of a bandaged, walking, Invisible Man has made him instantly recognizable. During a gig at The Edge in the late '70's to raise awareness of the threat from the Three Mile Island disaster, he walked on stage wearing bandages dipped in phosphorous paint and exclaimed: "look, this is what happens to you". The bandages became his trademark. Nash The Slash would put out a half dozen releases between 1980 and 1984 as writer, producer, vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and often times engineering and production. 'Children Of The Night' was produced by Steve Hillage and eventually became Nash's biggest selling solo record with estimates at 100,000 copies worldwide. And a fledgling engineer by the name of Daniel Lanois produced the single "Dance After Curfew" from the 'And You Thought You Were Normal' album. Nash The Slash's 1984 album 'American Bandages' would receive a CFNY-FM CASBY Award nomination for single of the year."
YouTube via mkdrum " Please visit to purchase full length versions of this and other selections from "Yuletronica".
from CD "Yuletronica" (2009) by Mark Drummond & Grooveometri. "Yuletronica" is a smooth jazz and nouveau-soul suite of traditional holiday carols and songs, re-imagined with contemporary arrangements and textures.
Chrominance Zero is a minimal project from Quebec city, Canada. Performing Live with hardware sequencers and synthesizers, it creates a plethora of sounds ranging from electro to drum and bass, always with the same minimalist modus operandi; Distorted analog and punchy sampled drums, a few monophonic tracks, lots of effects and constant sonic mangling and tweaking.
The project was started in 2007 when TB moved to Quebec city and uncovered all of his hardware in the storage and decided to use them back instead of performing with computers
The music can be described as minimal techno, with some hints at groovy house and some deviations towards Drum and Bass
Chrominance Zero is now producing new material, performing it live, and distributing it via bit torrent, youtube and a multitude of online MP3 stores (iTunes, Amazon, DJTunes)
YouTube via djjeffb "At the beginning, notice the perfectly executed tension of the Super VHS Tape. Brilliant!"
via Pea Hicks: "late 80s san diego depeche mode tribute band... i remember seeing them play at a house party once back in the day... mostly ensoniqs..."
YouTube via spacemetalizer "Here he is! Finally, after many years, I got a chance to see the great Pete Kember (aka Sonic Boom, formerly of Spacemen 3)... I filmed this at the Toronto record store Sonic Boom, in their basement where he did a 3 song set- February 4, 2008. The tune is 'Hall of Mirrors' by Kraftwerk."
YouTube via melodysheep "A musical tribute to two great men of science. Carl Sagan and his cosmologist companion Stephen Hawking present: A Glorious Dawn - Cosmos remixed. Almost all samples and footage taken from Carl Sagan's Cosmos and Stephen Hawking's Universe series.
YouTube via UnchainedShalott "From Porcupine Tree's new album, the Incident. Hope you guys enjoy.
x * Steven Wilson - vocals, guitar, piano, synthesizer * Richard Barbieri - keyboards, synthesizer, programming * Colin Edwin - bass guitar * Gavin Harrison - drums"
Free album on Dan303 "The whole album was recorded on my Fostex D-80 8-track and mixed roughly with a basic Tapco mixer 8 channel mixer. There was no computers involved in the production.
My Roland MC303 groovebox provided all drum and percussion sounds on the album, using mostly the 808 and 909 kits.
Most of the basslines were produced using my Freeform Analog Technologies FB383 [clone of the Roland TB303].
All other synth sounds came from my Korg Microkorg [apart from the strings on "Sax Track" which came from the MC303].
For effects like reverb and distortion I used my korg Mini KP, Boss MD2 and Boss DS1."
Morning rush hour on the MTR has never been this lively, with passengers on the Island line treated to the unusual sight of a visitor from outer space boarding their train.
Dressed in his distinctive astronaut outfit and accompanied by his trademark 80s ghetto blaster, music producer/DJ Spaace Maan blasted out his own brand of retro-futuristic electro-pop for morning commuters.
However the fun ended when the DJ returned to Central station, where MTR staff and police were waiting to detain Spaace Maan. After being detained for approximately three hours, Spaace Maan was eventually released."
YouTube via Tarabusch "Tori gets the Tara Busch and Analogsuicide treatment. Tori Is probably my favorite artist of all time so I don't really have to mention what a privilege it is to be asked to remix her music."
Tori Amos - Tara Busch Remix Part2 (Beautiful Piano)
YouTube via cjay1027. via Dex. also see this post. "My band, Northern Labour Party, playing August 21st, 2009. Synths include Alesis Andromeda and Moog Voyager. Rockman analog delay on Voyager."
YouTube via OculoRapido "Audio from premix track 1 of Analog Planetfall, with lunar transit test sequence shot by a 5 megapixel imager and Celestron C130 MAK Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope. Drone space created with Blacet/MetalBox/Wiard/Cynthia modular synthesizer systems. Produced by Doktor Bob at Rapid Eye Soundlabs. Copyright 2009, Robert B. Trelease,. The bright side of the moon as seen in autumn."
YouTube via fretless. via Carlos: "here is a new video of franck vigroux perforling live with his analogue equipment : MFB synth 2, Schippman filter, electribe exs,"